Autumn — 2009

Autumn wanted her ornament to reflect the beauty of the sea, selecting aqua, green and blue with sprinkles of sand as her color theme.
Autumn underwent approximately three years of treatment program for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia.
Prior to her diagnoses, Autumn was a fun-loving pre-teen who loved playing soccer. Like all of the kids Autumn experienced the extreme difficulties that come with the treatment. She experienced much pain and discomfort as the doctors try to find the best treatment plan for her. Autumn’s mom was her champion. She monitored the tough treatment program and watched the health of her beautiful daughter continually change. Autumn’s dad was deployed with the Coast Guard part of the time and was able to return home after a lengthy tour away from his family.
Update July 2020:
Autumn and her family live in Hawaii. Autumn finished her AA at Honolulu Community College and is going to Chaminade University of Honolulu to get her nursing degree. She volunteers at Tripler Hospital in the the pediatric and pediatric oncology unit playing games with the children undergoing treatment or waiting for appointments. Her goal is to work in the pediatric oncology field. She wants to have relationships with her patients and make a difference in their lives. Her mother says, “She continues to grow into a wonderful person and as her mother I am honored to watch her discover and grow into the best lady, friend, nurse, daughter that she can become.”